Monday, September 10, 2007

National Hunting and Fishing Day to be held Sept. 22 in Columbia

National Hunting and Fishing Day to be held Sept. 22 in Columbia
nt to learn more about fly tying, bass fishing, archery, or hunting safety? Wouldn’t it be great if you could learn about all these things in the same day, and in the same place—for free? All of this, and much more, is possible at the Eight Annual National Hunting and Fishing Day "An Adventure in the Outdoors," planned for Saturday, Sept. 22 at the Cohen Campbell Fish Hatchery near Columbia.

Thanks to the sponsorship of the Weatherby Foundation, Harry Hampton Wildlife Fund, South CarolinaWildlife Federation and S.C. Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR), South Carolina’s National Hunting and Fishing Day celebration is free of charge and open to the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the DNR Cohen Campbell Fish Hatchery located at 1528 Fish Hatchery Road in West Columbia.

National Hunting and Fishing Day will be celebrated in the Upstate as well this year. Also on Saturday, Sept. 22, Duke Energy’s World of Energy near Seneca will serve as host for a day that includes events such as kayaking, introduction to fishing, archery, air rifle shooting, fly fishing, and much more. For more information on National Hunting and Fishing Day, contact DNR at (803) 734-3886 in Columbia or the South Carolina Wildlife Federation office at (803) 256-0670 in Columbia.

National Hunting and Fishing Day is a day for Americans to celebrate their outdoor heritage and participate in wildlife-related outdoor activities. DNR and South Carolina Wildlife Federation always plan this educational event that offers "hands-on" outdoor learning opportunities for every age group, outdoor-oriented people and urbanites alike. From the novice to the experienced angler or outdoor enthusiast, National Hunting and Fishing Day will offer activities that the whole family can enjoy.

The day-long event will feature archery, crossbow and air rifle shooting, a children’s casting contest, muzzleloader demonstrations, a wild animal exhibit, shotgun and .22-caliber rifle range shooting, tree stand hunting safety and boating safety demonstrations, fly tying and much more.

DNR protects and manages South Carolina’s natural resources by making wise and balanced decisions for the benefit of the state’s natural resources and its people.


Grace, mercy and peace be with you!