Friday, September 14, 2007

A Busy Week

This week has been a busy week and have not been able to post much, though much ahas happene.
How can not much happen with an 8 month old and 27 month old.

On Wednesday evening, jmejr and I went out on a date. We went to Best Buy and then to Chick Fil A for dinner. This gave my WLW some time to herself with the Jitterbug. JMEjr was very comical in the store and said hello to almost everyone there. We purcahsed him two movies, another Uhg (Backyardiagans) and a Thomas the Train actual 86 minute movie.

Last night, we had several folks into our home for dinner. The Pages, David Jones, The Greenwoods, our newest family member and good friend "Doc Doc Meg Meg" (who will be going back to Charleston either Friday or Saturday. her friendship and humor and attentiveness to our children will be missed), Lah-Lah and ourselves. Many around the table. There was much laughter and talk. Emily Greenwood is expecting their first child in October or anyday soon. They are a sweet couple.

Today is Friday and jmejr and I will head off soon to do ur Friday is for Boyss day experiences.

Grace, mercy and peace be with you!