If you have not bookmarked our page with our new link or if you are using another means come follow us at http://www.thehavensc.com. Grace, mercy and peace be with you! |
Around the Web
Noteworthy Links
- Read-n-Grow Picture Bible
- CBMW New Website Look and a Blog
- Christians "Missionary" Datingand article #2
- ESV Brings us Family Worship at Home
- A Pretty Cool Program for those who are Anagramatical Minded: Anagram Generator
- 25 Skills Every Man Should Know (Mr. Hood, where do you come out?)
- Amazing Grace DVD to be Released in November
- Write a perfect email
- How to Learn 21 Languages with Your iPod
- Hymns of Faith; A New Radio Show Which FPC of Jackson is Airing
- My precious WLW loves to hear Mrs. Mohler. Girl-to-Girl Talk with Mrs. Albert Mohler (Mary)
- 10 Tips to Read More and More Better; "leaders are readers and readers are leaders"
- The Washington Post has an interesting article on Rule of Thumbs: Love in the Age of Texting
- The Code of the West (ht: Evangelical Outpost)
- Solo Femininity Offers her insight into CBMW's New Website, Something for Everyone
- 10 Lessons from the Princess Bride according to the Mommy with 8 in a Shoe
- John Wesley’s Mom Whoops Aristotle
- Church Government - Does it actually matter?
- title
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Follow Us
Holiness; 3. Holiness (Practical) part 2a; JC Ryle
II. Some Reasons Why Practical Holiness is so Important
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Holiness; 3. Holiness (Practical) part 1; JC Ryle (points d-l)
d) a holy man will follow after meekness, longsuffering, gentleness, patience, kind tempers, government of his tongue.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Flat Out Strangers (Robbie Grice) at Doc's Gumbo Grille Wednesday night 6:56 Sharp
Flat Out Strangers at Doc's Wednesday night 6:56 Sharp
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Noël Piper @ Capital Hill Baptist
Mrs. John Piper will be speaking at the Capital Hill Baptist Church 2007 Conference
Proverbs 31:10-12
Here's the Meditation passage: "An excellent wife who can find? The heart of her husband trusts in her, She does him good, and not harm, - Proverbs 31:10-12 - Each week World Magazine Blog offers a text to Meditate upon. From World Magazine's Blog
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry |
Friday, September 14, 2007
Fridays are for Boy Days
Here are some pictures from our adventures this morning. some dogs point and hunt dove, quail, squirrel. ours...she hunts ![]() ![]() ...lizards!!! 3 to be exact. from 4" long w/tail to 8" long w/tail. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ferocious they were ![]() actually she's a great retriever of ducks, dove, or just about anything you throw. we built a raft for our "river" ![]() ![]() we a had our own game of olympics with the tricyle louge (sp?) ![]() ![]() i also allowed jmejr to test his photography skills. there are actually some really neat perspectives on a couple of them. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Y'all we ran out of space on another Picasa Account so be sure to see our most current link (which is at the right). Though we still have recent pictures from today on Picasa Web Album 2, there are a dozen or so on our Most Recent Album one also. Grace, mercy and peace be with you! |
Spoilt for Choice (Challies.com) Well how have "choices" crept their way into parenting and how have they affected our parenting and our children? Grace, mercy and peace be with you! |
Blog Review Opportunity (Between Two Worlds)
If you would like to receive a free book, it will only cost you time and some "thought" but in the end, it will be worth it. |
Holiness; 3. Holiness (Practical) part 1; JC Ryle
On to chapter 3, titled 'Holiness' in our weekly reading with Challies.com 's Reading Group. I am now convinced more than ever that this book is a definite must for every household along with the Bible, and a copy of the Westminster Confession. Chapter 3 'Holiness' or 'Practical Holiness' I. What true practical holiness is - What sort of persons are those whom God calls holy a) holiness is the habit of being of one mind with God Habit of:
b) a holy man will endeavour to shun every known sin, and to keep every known commandment He will have:
"I delight in the law of God after the inward man" (Rm. 7:22). "I esteem all Thy precepts concerning all things to be right. And I hate every false way" (Psm. 119:128). c) a holy man will strive to be like our Lord Jesus Christ He will be as Jesus was:
"Happy is he who has learned to make Christ his "all," both for salvation AND example!" d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Joshua Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry |
A Busy Week
How can not much happen with an 8 month old and 27 month old. On Wednesday evening, jmejr and I went out on a date. We went to Best Buy and then to Chick Fil A for dinner. This gave my WLW some time to herself with the Jitterbug. JMEjr was very comical in the store and said hello to almost everyone there. We purcahsed him two movies, another Uhg (Backyardiagans) and a Thomas the Train actual 86 minute movie. Last night, we had several folks into our home for dinner. The Pages, David Jones, The Greenwoods, our newest family member and good friend "Doc Doc Meg Meg" (who will be going back to Charleston either Friday or Saturday. her friendship and humor and attentiveness to our children will be missed), Lah-Lah and ourselves. Many around the table. There was much laughter and talk. Emily Greenwood is expecting their first child in October or anyday soon. They are a sweet couple. Today is Friday and jmejr and I will head off soon to do ur Friday is for Boyss day experiences. |
Quotable Quotes
Words to Parents of College Students Ligon Duncan posts these comments by William Still, late pastor Gilcomston South Church, Aberdeen, Scotland:"Every autumn I have a spate of letters from fond parents, teachers, guardians, and monitors, appealing to me to follow up on such and such a youngster who is away from home at college for the first time, and who has to be hunted, followed, shadowed, intercepted and driven to Christian meetings. I have scarcely ever known this desperate technique to work. I understand the panic of parents and guardians, but it is too late then to try high pressure tactics. Prayer, example and precept, in that order, are the means of bringing up children and young folk in the faith. Nor will high pressure tactics and brainwashing techniques avail when young folk have gone off on their own. Some young folk, alas, will have their fling and sow their wild oats, and come at last to heel, sadly, like the prodigal son. It is where Christians pathetically put their trust in external techniques and artificial stratagems that young folk go astray. Nothing takes the place of the realism of holy living and secret wrestling before God in prayer for our youngsters. We must commit them to God so utterly that we dare not interfere or tamper with their precious souls." ht: Pastor Wingard Machen on the Word of God "The Christian man...finds in the Bible the very Word of God. Let it not be said that dependence on a book is a dead or an artificial thing. The Reformation of the sixteenth century was founded upon the authority of the Bible, yet it set the world aflame. Dependence upon a word of man would be slavish, but dependence upon God's word is life. Dark and gloomy would be the world, if we were left to our own devices, and had no blessed Word of God. The Bible, to the Christian, is not a burdensome law, but the very Magna Charta of Christian liberty. It is no wonder, then, that liberalism is totally different from Christianity, for the foundation is different. Christianity is founded upon the Bible. It bases upon the Bible both its thinking and it's life. Liberalism on the other hand is founded upon the shifting emotions of sinful men." —J.Gresham Machen, Christianity and Liberalism ht: Josh Harris Dr. Paul Tripp and the Book of Jonah Paul Tripp has begun his tenure as the regular evening preacher at Tenth Presbyterian, following such worthies as Rick Phillips and Aaron Messner. He opened on Sunday with an overview sermon on the Book of Jonah, which he presented as a complete biblical worldview in 48 verses. Here were his points:
ht: Reformation21 Grace, mercy and peace be with you! |
Thursday, September 13, 2007
How Kids Think Blog
Two Posts:
Grace, mercy and peace be with you! |
Around the Web
Labels: Around the Web, Blog
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Holiness; 2. Sanctification (third point and chapter completion), JC Ryle
In the second chapter, bishop Ryle brings us to Sanctification. He works through three sub-topics and several sub-topics within these three sub-topics. The three are: I. The True Nature of Sanctification; II. The Visible Marks of Sanctification; III. Wherein justification and sanctification agree and are like one another, and wherein they differ and are unlike. In his third point, the distinction between justification and sanctification, the Bishop shares his view of the 'similarities and differences' of justification and sanctification. I found this very helpful. So I shall touch on what he wrote here but not in detail. - They are alike as: - They differ as: The Bishop writes, "It can never be too strongly impressed on our minds that they are two seperate things." *Application* "What practical reflections ought the whole matter to raise in our minds,?" Bishop Ryle goes on to close by stating, "the man who gets through life most comfortably is the sanctified man." He is not saying there will be no trials, difficulties,etc, but that your perspective and ability to endure it is more fully prepared as you continue to walk, grow and be sanctified (Prov. 3:17; Psm. 119:165; Mt. 11:30; Isa. 48:22). He closes with a P. S. and recommends Mr. John Owen's writing on "The Holy Spirit" which offers greater depth of this subkect matter. Tolle Lege