Thursday, September 13, 2007

How Kids Think Blog

From the new joint effort of a family and God's World magazine comes, How Kids Think Blog.

Two Posts:

  • Today we’d like to hear some about ideals. If you could arrange the perfect educational situation for your kids/students, how would you describe that? Are you currently experiencing that situation? If not, what would need to change in order to make a move in that direction?
Provide your answer to them here.

  • Interpretations of “biblical worldview” seem to vary greatly among people, Christians included. Teaching biblical worldview can range from a detailed curriculum explaining all of the -ologies, to Christianized versions of public school textbooks (1+2=Jesus), to the belief that being a Christian means you will simply live and act a certain way.

    Is the concept of “biblical worldview” in the classroom more of a buzzword than a reality?

Provide your answer to them here.

Grace, mercy and peace be with you!