Thursday, August 9, 2007

JMEjr's Prayer

Our children's ministry does a wonderful ministry to our families, with our children. They not only walk away with having learned about God's progress of Redemption through history via the holy Scriptures, but they also walk away being taught manners, chivalry, young lady virtues and how to pray.

A prayer which jmejr has brought into our family and is done prior to meals, sometimes during meals, after meals, at bed time and anytime when he feels like it.

Learn it. If you are going to be at our home for a meal, there is a great likelihood that you will hear it at least once.

"God our Father. God our Father.
We thank you. We thank you.
For our many blessings. For our many blessings.
A-amen. In Jesus name, amen."

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