Saturday, July 21, 2007

Just the Right People and Place

Last night, at The Haven, we ended up having several families over and having pizza and fellowship. It was one of the better gatherings as all who were there were people who were perfect to have there, each being able to encourager one another. You know what I mean, sometimes, you just have people over and have not prayerfully considered who and the time was fun and you would not have traded the time for anything, but just not . . . you know. Last night, each person there was an encourager and seeked the opportunity to lift one another up. We had planned to have pizza by the pool over at the Westminster Country Club (WCC), which jmejr and I have been frequenting this summer. JMEjr and I got there and spent about 45 minutes doing our thing when the thunder was getting closer. I really did not think that it was going to rain, but who wants to sit around a pool in anticipation of it. So I made the call to my WLW who without batting an eye said, moving to our home is not a problem. Had she not been the wonderful, excellent mother and governor to our home that she is, she would have been nervous at the condition of the home, etc. But ohhhh no, not her. As I and the Blythes were the first there, all was in place as if we had expected company the entire time. She is soooo excellent. Here's a for you. Oh, back to the gathering. Last night we had, the Blythes, the Burt, the Dinkins, the mother and son English, and us. It was one of the first time where we had our sons with each other in this setting.

It was fun to see them warm up to one another and just began being boys. As the evening wore on, they found themselves playing int some of the wettest (as it ended up raining, but only for a brief moment, yet the rain drops were huge as we were outside immediately after dinner, and it was done raining within 3 minutes of us finally making it inside) freshly cut grass (as I had just cut the grass that morning and I did not bag it this time so cuttings were freshly laying within and on top of the grass) found. They were having a ball, no a blast. Especially when Mr. Dinkins found a very large beetle outside, which all the boys (young and old) were playing with it and doing what boys do.

As the boys were outside (minus CJE as he was with his mother and I thought was going to bed only to find out later, he went down with JME at the same time, which was close to 9:00) the ladies were inside doing what they do best. . . Encouraging one another and making each other feel as if they were not alone, because they are not. My WLW was soo encouraged by this time and was soo thrilled to have that group over and I was also.

It was difficult to have the evening end, the hardest part was that the boys were having so much fun together that they were not even showing any signs of weariness or exhaustion. It was good to see how others are raising their children and to hear of how they are doing things which another may be having difficulty doing. Whether it is sitting still at the dinner table and waiting patiently for others to finish, to saying the "yes or no sirs/ma'am's", to being a sharer of toys. We have a lot to learn from one another. These gatherings are joyful times to do such a thing.

Oh, btw, it would have been difficult to have what this evening offered if we were all sitting by the pool. Ain't God sporty how he takes what we may have deemed to be a good setting and forces us to move in a more appropriate setting.

Many Blessings.